Household Kljajić

Kljajic’s household is located in the village of Lubnice, one of, so called, “upper villages”. People from these parts are said to be hardworking, and so are your hosts – Maja and Milan. Their four children are happy to help their parents during summer, when they don’t have a lot of obligations in school. They would welcome guests and help their parents with farm work. Kljajics grow many types of fruits and vegetables, are engaged in organic beekeeping and Milan inherited the craft skills from his father, so he is also engaged in making beehives. The quality of services they offer is evidenced by the many recognitions and praises they have received, both from official state addresses and from satisfied guests. It is no wonder because Kljajics see their guests as family members. Maja is doing very well in the kitchen; there is no situation for her in which she will not be able to cope. Of course, we expect you to make an appointment if you plan to stop by for lunch so that the hosts have enough time to prepare everything, but otherwise they will manage because the garden is right next to the house and they will quickly get everything they need. We don’t believe that you will miss the honey rakija made by Kljajics, nor the cake with raspberries they grow.


Milan Kljajić
Lubnice, Berane
Website –
