
For women up in the mountains, September and October have always been very difficult months,  as these are the months when torshi has to be prepared.  It is a period when the villages smell of peppers, ajvar, when every yard is filled with whole families involved in preparing and cooking of large quantities of torshi.  These are made from everything that grows in the garden and the most challenging thing is to prepare ajvar and pindjur, which take a lot of work and take the most time, therefore a favorite on every table. Although recently there is less time for such activities and many products can be found in supermarkets, there are many families who still keep this tradition because the homemade is still home-made and delicious.

Products in this group:

  • Beet
  • Mixed torshi
  • Ajvar
  • Boiled pickled peppers
  • Pepper salad
  • Pindjur
  • Pickled cucumber
  • Somborka peppers stuffed with cabbage

If you are a representative of a hotel or restaurant and you would like to include some of our products into your offer, please contact us at . We will then direct you to create an account on the web page from where you can easily order our products.
