Delevic family lives in the village of Buče. You will be greeted by hardworking hosts Sanja and Milos with their children. As soon as you step on their property, it will be clear to you how dedicated they are to agriculture. They will be happy to take you through the farm and show you what they have planted. You will realize that they produce just about everything and they will prepare dishes from these high quality products for you. Delevics grow various vegetables, but they also have big orchards in which they grow apples, pears, plums, raspberries, which they process into brandy, jams, preserved fruits, juices, and liqueurs. They are also engaged in beekeeping, they produce good quality honey. Sanja also makes various balms based on bee products. You will be able try her gingerbreads decorated with a lot of imagination and it is certain that even at the table prepared by Sanja, there will be no lack of creativity. You will see various types of poultry on this farm and a peacock will be waiting for you in the yard, a real rarity nowadays. All in all, this household produces and grows practically everything that is possible in the mountainous areas and you will not be able to count them all.