Household Dulović

The Dulovic family spends every summer in Gornje Lipovo, on the slopes of Sinjajevina mountain, where they have a large estate and a house that is over 100 years old. For their own sake, but also for the guests who visit them in the summer, they grow everything they need. But their main activity is the production of foliated cheese from Kolašin, a product with a geographical indication of origin, since it is prepared exclusively in Kolašin area and nowhere else. Gordana, your hostes, also prepares a full range of traditional food from her farm. She or any of her household members will take you to pick wild blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, depending on the season and you will surely find mushrooms. In addition to enjoying top quality home-cooked meals, there are also places for hiking, mountains that you will see all around you. In addition to the food, this household offers accommodation services, so you can stay here and explore the whole area of ​​Lipovo (one of the most beautiful villages in Montenegro) and the mountains of Sinjajevina.


Gordana Dulović
Gornje Lipovo, Kolašin
Website –
