Household Ralević

Ralevic family is a famous cattle-breeding family in the even more famous katun of Kaludarska kapa. This katun is famous for the fact that even today, when the number katuns and the families in them are decreasing, 10 families come to this one, so this is the most populated katun as well as the the katun with the most cattle. If you find yourself here at the end of the day, when the cattle comes from pasture, you will not be able to believe when you see an endless column of cows and sheep slowly and calmly arriving back to the katun. And when you know that there are cows and sheep that graze on untouched mountain pastures, then you can know for sure that cheese here has no rival! You will be convinced of that by Ralevics, by your host Bilja, the youngest woman in this katun. Bilja’s guests are always satisfied with both the phenomenal, traditional hospitality and the cuisine. You will not leave hungry, as it is an unwritten rule that no one ever leaves the katun hungry. This katun is an ideal place to explore the katun road, if you climb a little above the katun, you will be able to have the view that is rarely seen. On one side is Kosovo, and on the other Montenegro, and all the areas you see are breathtaking. You can visit the neighboring katuns and get to know a completely different world from the one seen in the lower parts.


Bilja Ralević
Katun Kaludarske kape, Berane
