Household Bulatović

Bulatovic family lives in the village of Trebaljevo, widely known for its good quality potatoes. There is no family in this village that does not grow potatoes and you will notice by the main road many villagers who sell their products. Of course, Bulatović family also grows potatoes, but they also produce various other fruits and vegetables. Potatoes are the backbone of mountain cuisine, in addition to cheese and corn flour. Especially when the potatoes are good quality, baked in the skin in the simplest way, they are full of flavor and can be the perfect meal. But surely you will not only eat potatoes. Bulatovic family has the various local food to offer, you will see for yourself. And they also offer accommodation, so from here you can get to Bjelasica, to Biogradska Gora National Park, to Sinjajevina in an hour. The place is close to the highway, so, if announced in advance, you can only come for a homemade lunch or dinner.


Miloš Bulatović
Trebaljevo, Kolašin
